04 July 2012

In 2010 flamenco was declared an "intangible cultural heritage" of mankind. Today I am making it tangible.

Set #1 - 8:00am - 9:00am

1. La Niña de los Peines
Grands cantaores du flamenco Vol.3
Le chant du monde, LDX 274 859
(La Niña de los Peines [1890-1969]: "We might perhaps be surprised to discover the shrill nasal quality of her voice... but what a delight it is when, after a strong attack, we hear her voice transformed into a narrow, clear trickle of water, winding a lengthy and superb course amongst the wild flowers.")

Set #2 - 9:00am - 10:00am

Grands cantaores du flamenco Vol.16
Le chant du monde, LDX 274 958
(Manuel Soto el Sordera [1927-2001]: "... His career has taken a long, slow course that, from an artistic point of view, progressed from cantaor de venta [tavern singer], rustic, powerful, but without genius, towards an expressiveness that became less brutal, increasingly more restrained and profound with maturity.")

Set #3 - 10:00am - 11:00am

3. Manuel el Agujeta
Grands cantaores du flamenco Vol.8
Le chant du monde, LDX 274 900
(Manuel el Agujeta [b. 1939]: "This cantaor is almost always tense, violent, barbaric, without delicacy. Expressionism carried to the point of incandescence....")

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