06 July 2011

It's an out-of-body Komodo Dragon Show this Wednesday from 8-11am CT on www.umfm.com

Set #1 - 8:00am - 9:00am

1. La vision de Tondal (12th century)
Katarina Livljanić - conductor, Dialogos
La vision de Tondal: A la recherche des chantres glagolitiques & latins de la Dalmatie médiévale
Arcana, A 329
(Reconstructed from medieval Croatian manuscripts, this spiritual narrative is sung with an austere serenity in Latin and Church Slavonic by an all-female ensemble. The soul of the knight Tondal, having left his unconscious body, visits both Hell and Paradise accompanied by an angel. Transformed by the experience, his soul returns, and he resolves to lead a more exemplary life. Above right, Hieronymous Bosch's take on Tondal's Vision. Below, Simon Marmion's The Visions of the Knight Tondal (ca. 1470). Read the whole story on the Getty Museum's website.)

Set #2 - 9:00am - 11:00am

For the last two hours of the show chance operations will determine the placement of cuts from the two Russian bell CDs below. Follow the results live on Twitter @vonwichert.

Chimes of Russian North (rec. Arkhangelsk museum reserve "Malyie Karely" 1990)
Vladimir Petrovsky - bell ringer
Melodiya, SUCD 11-00326
(Russian concert chimes.)

Glocken russisch-orthodoxer Kirchen: Originalaufnahmen aus berühmten Kirchen und Klöstern
Christophorus, CHR 4007
(Slav-Byzantine liturgical Church bells.)

Where to buy CDs featured on today's show:
La vision de Tondal - CD Universe
Chimes of Russian North - Amazon
Glocken russisch-orthodoxer Kirchen - CD Universe

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