continues the Greek/Turkish theme that has been developing over the few past weeks. Tune in this Wednesday from 8-11am Central Time by pointing your browser to
Set #1 - 8:00am - 9:00am
Nikos Christodoulou - conductor, BBC Symphony Orchestra
BIS Records, CD-1333/34
Matthias Bamert - conductor, BBC Symphony Orchestra
Chandos, CHAN 9556
(Electronics meets music in this symphony for orchestra and sounds on tape played back on loudspeakers. Loudspeakers? Did I mention loudspeakers? Is it not superfluous to mention loudspeakers? How many people today experience musical sound that doesn't come from loudspeakers?
Back in the concert hall, there is a conflict between sound projected from loudspeakers and that produced by the orchestra. From the booklet notes: "The tape part is innovatory; it is designed to synchronize and combine with the orchestra and requires a musician operator, who is part of the orchestra. In the first performance... the mono tape was played out on four 15-watt speakers placed among the orchestra. The technical difficulties were considerable.... For this recording the tape was played on speakers placed in front of the orchestra on each side and recorded acoustically."
The symphony was inspired by a view of the sunrise from an airplane at 30,000 feet. For a free Komodo Dragon Show coffee mug tell me what other symphony follows a day from dawn to night?)
Set #2 - 9:00am - 11:00am
Charles Zacharie Bornstein - conductor, ST-X Ensemble
Asphodel/Sombient, O975
(A ballet score commissioned for the opening of Canada's National Arts Centre in Ottawa. An anthem for the rebellious youth of 1968. Cataclysmic eruptions of dissonance from the orchestra alternate with processed orchestra sounds on quadraphonic tape. Xenakis likens his music to cicadas or the rain: "These sonic events are made out of thousands of isolated sounds; this multitude of sounds, seen as a totality, is a new sonic event." His musical material is generated and transformed using mathematical models.)
4. Tulum of Hemşin: Bagpipes from Northeastern Turkey
Yaşar Çorbacioğlu - bagpipes
Earthcds, n.n.
Yaşar Çorbacıoğlu-1 by CAKUTLU
Where to buy CDs featured on today's show:
Nikos Skalkottas - ArkivMusic
Roberto Gerhard - CD Universe
Iannis Xenakis - Amazon